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CSASS Extends LiveChat Service

Lockdown has been a very stressful time for a lot of people, and we know that if you already struggle with mental health issues, it can be even harder to cope with such a huge change to your routine, and the potential anxiety that comes with a health scare like Covid-19.

That is why we decided, with the help of our volunteers, to extend our LiveChat service so that it now runs from 10am-4pm every weekday, as well as during our usual Service Line hours, every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6-8pm.

If you’d like a confidential chat, our supportline or LiveChat service might be a good place to start.  You can connect with a trained, friendly volunteer who can simply listen and offer emotional support or information. This isn’t the same as counselling, but many survivors find it really helpful. All supportline workers are women (more info here.) We will listen, we will believe you, and we won’t judge you.  We won’t tell you what to do or put pressure on you to do anything you aren’t comfortable or ready to do.

We are here for adult survivors of sexual violence and abuse.  We will also support friends, family and professionals affected by sexual violence, usually because you are supporting a survivor directly yourself.

Supportline: You can call us on 0808 284 0484.

LiveChat: You can click on the yellow LiveChat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.