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Join the Team

CSASS aspires to welcome all people with the capacity to contribute to our work: supporting and informing survivors and challenging the causes of sexual violence.  We particularly welcome people of colour and the global majority, young people, members of the LGBTQ+ and disability communities.  At CSASS, we challenge each other to improve our work with people with protected (and other) characteristics, including: age, disability, sex, gender expression, trans status, pregnancy, parenthood, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual or romantic orientation, faith, belief, married or civil partnership status, physical appearance, class, language or caste.

We acknowledge the impact and challenges of intersectionality on individuals. 

CSASS recognise the value of lived experience in improving the quality of our work.

Information about current paid opportunities can be found on our news page.

You can find information here about volunteering, or becoming a trustee.