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Meet the new staff…

CSASS has doubled over the last few months!

Kaety Moon – Outreach Manager

Kaety Moon, CSASS Outreach Manager
Kaety Moon, CSASS Outreach Manager

“Hello, I’m Kaety, and I work in outreach with our local community to raise awareness of sexual violence and to challenge rape culture through talks and events. Coming up, we have a stall at the International Women’s Day celebrations at Chester Town Hall on Saturday 9th March, so come and say ‘hi’ and hear about the new creativity drop-in which begins in Spring.

I am also supporting male survivors through an allotment project which starts over the next couple of months. If you would like to hear more about the creativity group or be involved with the allotment (as a participant or a volunteer), then please email [email protected]. “

Rhiannon Bevan – Office Manager

“I started shortly after Kaety, after having survived nearly a year of maternity leave.

Over the last few years, I have been co-lead for Good for Nothing Chester, a volunteer organisation that helps projects in Chester. I found this work so rewarding that I decided not to return to my previous job in Marketing. Luckily CSASS were hiring!

I manage the office, keeps things ticking over day-to-day, and will often be the first person you speak to at CSASS.”

We are looking for people to join our Board of Trustees. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.